Out Riding where we're riding…

Author Archive


Sunday, 24 April, 2016

Day One San Jose to Yosemite, then back to Groveland to Yosemite Pines The way out was pretty direct, as wanted to get to Yosemite and check it out a bit before checking in to the cabin. Yosemite Pines is a really good spot for base camp on this trip, the cabins are nice, the […]

Groveland Lunch Run

Saturday, 10 March, 2012

Anyone who has kids, grandkids, nieces, nephews, or has been anywhere near anyone in about the 1st grade recently has probably heard of “Flat Stanley.” In case you haven’t, here’s a quick summary from wikipedia: “Stanley Lambchop and his younger brother Arthur are given a big bulletin board by their Dad for displaying pictures and […]

check back shortly!

Tuesday, 6 March, 2012

our website will be up and running soon…